Scientific & Technical Office Licenses

Saudi Arabia’s scientific and technological advancements are flourishing. At J K, we help you obtain a Scientific and Technical Office License, enabling you to contribute your expertise and empower local innovation.

Why Choose a Scientific & Technical Office?

This unique license is ideal for foreign companies with established scientific or technical expertise who wish to:

  • Bridge the Gap: Provide technical support and training to your Saudi Arabian agent or distributor.
  • Market Research & Intelligence: Conduct in-depth market research to understand Saudi consumer needs for your technology.
  • Liaison & Advocacy: Become a local representative, fostering strong relationships with Saudi stakeholders and institutions.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Contribute to Saudi Arabia’s scientific development by sharing your expertise through workshops and seminars.

Why Partner with JK Consultants?

Market Knowledge

We leverage our network to provide valuable insights into the Saudi scientific landscape and potential collaborations.

Foreign Investment Savvy

Our team understands the nuances of foreign companies establishing a scientific presence in Saudi Arabia.

Streamlined Expertise

We simplify the complex licensing process, saving you valuable time and resources.

Language & Cultural Bridge

We ensure clear communication with local authorities throughout the licensing process.

Benefits of Obtaining a License

  • Access to a Growing Market: Participate in Saudi Arabia’s burgeoning domestic market and leverage its strategic location for regional exports.
  • Government Incentives: Benefit from potential tax breaks, subsidies, and access to industrial zones offering infrastructure advantages.
  • Foreign Ownership Opportunities: Foreign companies can own 100% of certain industrial activities under specific regulations.

Your Tailored Scientific & Technical Office License Journey

Initial Consultation


We discuss your specific scientific or technical field, target market, and company structure.

Eligibility Assessment



We ensure your company and personnel meet the qualifications for this specialized license.

Document Acquisition


We assist in collecting and preparing all required documents, including agent/distributor agreements, technical specifications, and feasibility studies.

Liaison & Advocacy



We represent you before relevant authorities, ensuring your application is presented effectively.

Ongoing Support


We provide guidance and updates throughout the process, keeping you informed of progress.

Beyond the License: Your Scientific Success

With a JK Consultants-secured Scientific and Technical Office License, you gain a launchpad for flourishing in Saudi Arabia’s dynamic scientific ecosystem.  We go beyond just obtaining the license, by connecting you with potential partners, research institutions, and scientific events to maximize your impact.

J K Consultations

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